Saturday, November 10, 2007

For Colleen who requests new information

I attend Classes at Bunker hill community College. I am not currently in a program,
I am taking prerequisites to get into an nursing program somewhere.

I like the view of the over pass from the front of the school It goes over the Train.
3 layers of transportation. way to much fun. there were still quite a few roses on the bushes last week. I also like the school cafeteria it has a huge window and its usually very warm and sunny there.

there are fake dogs to scare away the Canida geese.


Colleen said...

Oh, good! I'm glad I saw this so I can envision you going to class. But you know what I realized? I haven't seen a picture of your current abode. And I'm all confuzzed because I still think of you as living in the other place, but I know that's not your reality. So I need some home pics. Please. Thank you.

heather said...

I'll see what i can do.