Tuesday, June 22, 2010

D.C. (a blog interrupted)

(I went to D.C. almost a Year ago this month and started to blog about it when I returned home. I made a picture mosaic, and intended to add a lot more photos and some descriptions. But in the midst of studying for my Nclex passing it and then looking for, getting and training for my first job as an RN the blog was never finished. found it today in the "drafts" and I decided just now that I will publish it.)

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Well, whaddya know! I haven't looked at blogs in ages (and haven't been posting to my own). Happened to click on yours and ~ voila! a new picture. And a picture of DC, nonetheless. I was just thinking that I should go out there with the boys. It's so hot out there right now, though. But there's something to be said for hot. As opposed to our reality. Ahem!