Tuesday, March 25, 2008

we bought a hamster.
he is a teddy bear hamster also know as a Syrian hamster.
he is really cute.
he is a he.
he has a 3 room house just like us. But he can get more exorcise in his house than we can.
witch is why we are thinking of having a slide installed. in the corner of our apartment that leads up to a tread mill on the roof. (i read this to kevin and he siad "oh are we?"
WE call him Chango

  1. Caribbean , Mexico (bromista) playful, joking
  2. Mexico (listo) clever, alert
  3. Chile (fastidioso) tedious, annoying
  1. Mexico (mono) small monkey
  2. Argentina , Uruguay (mozo) houseboy, servant
He has also been called tequila, taco, burrito, chimmy changa, rat, bear, and several other things i can't even remember now.

Chango is currently staring in his first movie "hamster cam" a self directed short produced by heavin Inc and edited by Heather Bullis. (thats me) So stay tuned its coming to a blog near you.


Unknown said...

Yeah! Thanks for the low-down.

I love the name you chose! Very cool!

How old is he?

heather said...

he is about 3 month old the pet shop guy thought. so we don't know for sure.

Colleen said...

So I can send my boys out your way when they yearn to keep a rodent in the home? ;-D

SUSAN said...

We had a hamster that an expert at escaping his cage. He would sneek out and get some dog food, bring it back to the cage and then settle down. One time he ended up in our bed. lol
