Thursday, January 3, 2008


Christmas 2007 Bellevue Nebraska
Food of all varieties was cooked and consumed
games were played and records set (Carol scored the 50 point bonus for her first time ever when she used all seven tiles to spell the word WELTING she scored 89 points total! way to go Carol)
Canned hams were given and received. Hair follicles and rabbit dung were examined in microscopic detail. Santa hats, cow boy hats, bows and bells, and brand new socks were worn by boys, girls, women and men.
Merry was made, necks were hugged, cheeks were pressed and lips were kissed! ( kisses not pictured here)
And a good time was had by all.
(here I smile to myself and hope that you smile as well)


Colleen said...

What a great montage! I never have learned how to make one of those for my own photo blog. I am way impressed by Carol's Scrabble feat. I loved the picture of the board and I love playing Scrabble, but I never have anyone to play it with me. Maybe I need to invite some people over specifically for that purpose, but I'd feel bad because Hans doesn't like to play it so he'd be left out.

Kevin and his sister look so alike ~ wow! Of course, they come from that kind of family wherein the parental units themselves look like long lost siblings. Makes ya wonder...hehehe. Kevin's sporting quite the 'do, I notice. Going for a Malcolm Gladwell look, maybe. ;-)

That pizza looks tasty. I'll have to put canned ham on my birthday wish list.

heather said...

yes i believe everyone should receive at least one gift wrapped canned ham.

you should defiantly ask.

I actually make the montage with a program that is on the internet it takes my pictures posted to flicker and puts them like that for me i just have to pick them out.
I think it only works if you have your pictures posted on flickr.
its called flickr toys. I am glad you think that kevin looks like his sister me too. people always tell me he looks like his brother but i don't think so as much.