Thursday, October 25, 2007

the school girl

this is the view from my window I see when working on the computer, writing papers or working on the online portion of my Statistics class.

1. my pencil bag and books, 2. Moles, 3. doodles to prevent panic, 4. chemical reactions

i am really busy with school. I have been meaning to take some pictures of campus. i took my camera one day but totally forgot i had it until i was on the train home. I decided i would post a few pictures of the books and pens and notes that are large part of everyday for me at the moment. I had a wonderful time when classes were beginning picking out binders and pencil and pens and i got a pencil bag that i love. I knew i wanted something to keep my pencils in but everything i saw was just not the thing somehow and then one day after i had been keeping everything together in a zip lock freezer bag and i had forgotten my search for a pencil box or bag i was at the store and i saw just the thing. it made me very happy because it was also just the price. 2.99 and i love to put my pens and stuff into it and take them out and put them in, because it is so happy and colorful.
I think that you will be impressed with my notes from chemistry and My statistics class, they make me look smart i think. I am really enjoying my classes its fun to try your brain on new stuff. I get a lot of help for the statistics, its hard for me to think that way, and in class sometimes i think i am going to have a panic attack and stop breathing sometimes when she keeps going on and on and I can't seem to understand a word she is saying. But with help i am doing really well in the class any way. I took a picture of my translation of a normal curve to a standard curve which i thought i was never going to get and now i think if i practice i will do OK, I really like drawing haystacks. But i wonder about the people who sat around and thought this stuff up.


Jenny Kroik said...

I miss that view!!! I have a view of a football field from my back porch. It's always full of giant crows.

My roommate is also taking statistic classes- all her notebooks look like yours :}

lots of love!

M. Tamminga (@oneaprilday) said...

I like the pencil bag, Heather. Pencil bags are one of those items I can't help looking at in stores and I always feel this urge to buy them. I have to remind myself I don't need 10 pencil bags. I don't really even need one.

Jenny Kroik said...

yes- it's the one with the track, and htere is always some geezer jogging there, no matter what itme of day it may be. people here are even more health-crazy then in Boston.

Unfortunately it doesn't snow here. It rains... and rains and rains and rains.... :}

post more pics of out old hood! I miss Johnny's- appreciate it while youv'e got it! in some places you have to walk 25 minutes to get to the store...

Colleen said...

Oh. My. Word. If you offered me a million dollars ~ or even some very wonderful, organic, free trade chocolate ~ I could not manage classes like statistics or chemistry again. I am officially in the phase of life wherein I'm losing brain cells, I think. And oddly enough, I seem not to care a great deal. It is kind of like when you aren't in a place, emotionally, to deal with new friendships and you send the silent message, "I'm not accepting applications for new friends, thankyouverymuch." But in this case, I am not accepting applications for new information ~ or even the revisiting of certain old information. Having said all of that, I am very proud of and most of all need to know where it is you're going to school. I don't know, and I want to. Which means, I *do* want *some* new information after all!